Member To Member Deal

60% Off Event Credits on EventPin
Ends 6/30/25
Add your upcoming events to EventPin at 60% off for your organization.

  1. First, create your personal EventPin account. 

  2. Once verified, use the profile switcher in the top right corner to create your organization.

  3. Make sure you select your organization to add credits to that specific account.

  4. Add credits to your organization by going to the credits menu while having your organization selected in the profile switcher.

  5. Select how many credits you would like to purchase and use coupon code: MAUMEECHAMBER60

  6. Checkout

  7. Now, Add all your events to EventPin from the My Events menu.

Contact Information
phone: (419) 407-6798
Offer Valid: January 8, 2025June 30, 2025
Maumee Chamber of Commerce